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healthy work-life balance

Tips for maintaining a healthy work-life balance

If you work after hours and never log off from your computer or smartphone to check e-mail then you have most of the symptoms of what is commonly referred to as a "workaholic".
The two main reasons could be job insecurity and technology. Indulging in relaxing activities after a day's work is liberating and allows you to find a healthy balance between work and relaxation. On a daily basis, this balance will increase your productivity at work and contribute to a better relationship with those around you, whether professional or private.


Sign out

Having recourse to technology has become automatic and it is sometimes difficult to realise when it becomes harmful to your mental health. It is crucial to be able to disconnect from your professional accounts (emails, professional social networks, internal company communication tool, etc.) to be able to feel a real break between working time and free time. Always keep in mind that most of the tasks that you don't finish at the end of your day can be done the next morning. Remember, determination is the key for a healthy life.


Managing your work time

Make a mental or written list of all the tasks you need to do during the day and prioritise them. Today there are many recognised methods for optimising your working time. Good time management in the workplace has the benefit of not leaving you overwhelmed and being able to leave your workplace at a reasonable time, without feeling guilty or anxious, and make sufficient time for your personal activities.

Focus on your peers

Enjoying quality time with family and friends should be valued as much as possible outside the workplace. These moments allow you to take a step back from your professional life with the worries that accompany it.


Give yourself small breaks

Devoting body and soul to your work is certainly positive for intellectual stimulation and the development of your professional career, but can quickly become an abyss if you become obsessed with the results to be achieved. Even within the workplace, it is strongly recommended to take regular breaks, whether it is to stretch your legs, have a coffee with a colleague, go out for fresh air, go shopping, or even listening to music while working. It's those little moments, that will you to escape the daily routine of your work duties, that can help instil positive energy and make a real difference to your morale.



Plan after-work activities

This may not necessarily apply to every day of the week, but it is very important to look forward to the evening ahead when you are at work. Think about a book you've always wanted to read, a restaurant you've always wanted to try, or planning an upcoming trip. Waiting to do something you personally enjoy can help you avoid stress and maintain a positive attitude.
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